Well, here's what's on my mind...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Boulder High School

I found this article in the Star-Telegram concerning two men that walked in to Boulder High School in Colorado on May 10, 2007 wearing camouglage and one in a ski mask before school hours. Police searched the high school room by room but found no leads. Further investigation is being done by the Boulder Police Department. The article spoke of how in detail the Police checked all the rooms in the high-school as well as on the rooftop and even utility-access tunnels under the building. The article also included how The University of Colorado alerted their students but classes were held like normal.
(http://www.star-telegram.com/190/story/97190.html) <---Star-Telegram Article

The article had a website to refer to which is the Boulder High School website...(http://schools.bvsd.org/boulderhigh/default.aspx)
I surprised to see how little attention the website gave to this situation especially after the high-demand for security in our schools. On the website it has at the top of the screen a red box that says "Important Announcement" from the principal. It surprised me how small it was on the website. On the other hand, there was a link from the website to an attachement that was a letter from the Principal. Now, that letter was so heartfelt that even I felt touched! The Principal did a great job making it very personable instead of just 'cold facts.' At the beginning, he began to say how apoligetic he was about the even that occurred. The Principal even went into future plans to prevent a situation like this from occurring again. From now on the Principal said the doors for the school will be locked until school is in session (after 7 a.m.) Also, only two entrances of the school will be opened and their will be staff at the doors monitoring.

I also found it surprising that the Boulder School District did NOT have anything on their website concerning the incident that had just occurred. Although, there is about midway down the web page a link concerning safety and that with "events across the country... school security is the forefront of people's minds lately. BVSD has solid policies and practices in place to ensure our students and staff are safe." I find it humorous how that in their 'solid policies and practices' they do not mention what happened at Boulder High School and prevention actions that will be taken for the future not just there but at all BVSD schools.
http://www.bvsd.org/default.aspx <---Boulder School District Website


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