In the movie, the female characters were seen as bystanders that didn't have drive to support men. I thought that was interesting since women are usually shown as that supportive-type especially paired with a man. It's funny how "Crash" not only talks very different, almost opposite one could say than what films usually portray of genders. Just like female characters are portrayed quite the opposite than what usually is. I liked that about this movie. It didn't in a mouth-dropping sort of way. Another example would be, women are usually treated with respect and equally to men whereas in this movie, Matt Dillan treats women harshly. It's nice to see a difference like this in a movie, but it can also get you upset at times. The movie has the 'balls' to say and address alot of things that we, as humans, think in our minds and would never say out loud, except in this movie I guess the motto is "speak your mind," because I know they sure do!
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