5th week-- Dimensions used in decision-making
JUSTICE: Law is not really involved; In this case, powerful vs. powerless--the powerful would be Apple and the powerless would be the people.
HUMANNESS: I believe there was a disregard of humanness. Jobs did not sympathize with the upset customers but instead claimed that "this is the life in the technology lane." There was no concern for people but instead for numbers.
TRUTH: I believe this is most important yet there was half truth involved in this case. The partial truth lies where Apple and Jobs said they wanted to increase their number of new customers and commoditize the iphone. The deceit is expressed where Jobs believes early adapters have high expectations and do care about their customers therefore a rebate should make up for Apple defaming their integrity in the eyes of their early adapter customers.
STEWARDSHIP: Similar to Cowboys case study because loss of profit was top priority for Jobs and Apple as a whole. To be on the top and have the leading product was of utmost importance therefore they jeopardized their relationship with their early adapters to recruit more/new customers.
FREEDOM: Also similar to Cowboys--freedom to pursue profit (Apple) vs. integrity to customers. A balance is needed.